Past National Award Winners

Broton-forwebKatharine Broton is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is one of two recipients of the 2016 Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship. She is studying educational inequalities with a focus on higher education. Her current research includes a multi-method study of poverty and material hardship among college students.


Claire RydClaire_Rydellell won the 2010 Alfred M. Wolfe Fellow award. This award, in Wolfe’s memory, is granted to a top ranking nominee majoring in Agriculture, Classical Latin/Ancient Greek, or English.



Screen Shot 2014-11-17 at 10.58.09 AMCharles Brummitt won the 2009 Phi Kappa Phi Award of Excellence.




David_HoffertDavid Eli Hoffert was the 2008 Yoerger Presidential Fellow.  This fellowship, established by Past PKP National President Roger Yoerger, is awarded each year to a student in one of the basic science disciplines.



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